How Do I Know If My Child Has Lice?
Lice for many kids is just a part of childhood and they’re unfortunately unavoidable. One of the more tedious and difficult parts about lice is determining if your child has them or not.
What makes head lice so tricky is their tiny size and the ability to blend in with hair. Head lice are so minuscule to the point where you can barely see them with the naked eye. Don’t be alarmed, there are a few obvious signs and symptoms indicating your little one might just have head lice.
Head Lice Signs To Look Out For
- Itchiness is by far the most common symptom and if your little one will not stop scratching their head, head lice are a definite possibility.
- Difficulty sleeping; If your child is having trouble sleeping that could indicate lice because head lice tend to always be more active at night.
- Red bumps or sores found on the head, neck, and shoulders could also be symptoms of lice.
- If your child starts talking about a tickling feeling or a feeling of something moving around on their head, there is a good possibility it’s head lice.
Steps You Should Take to Confirm Your Child has Head Lice
You may want to find a flashlight and magnifying glass, as lice is not always easy to see. Put on your gloves and have another person hold the flashlight above your child’s head. Part the hair in sections and have your magnifying glass pointed above the scalp.
If you see tiny white flecks with the appearance of sand at the base of the scalp those are lice eggs (nits). However, it should be noted that sometimes dandruff can look like nits which is why it is helpful to take a lice comb and try to comb out the nit. The one key giveaway that it’s lice eggs and not dandruff is how easily you can comb it out. Nits are much harder to remove as they are very sticky. If all the above signs are present, the dreaded is confirmed, your child has lice.
Time to Bring Your Little One into Lice Clinics of America Omaha
Unfortunately, at-home treatments do not work effectively and instead they are extremely time-consuming and utterly frustrating. Skip smothering your child’s head in mayo and take them to Lice Clinics of America. Our lice treatment in Omaha is fully equipped to handle head lice and make sure it’s a headache you don’t have to deal with. We have a three-step lice removal process that has a 99% success rate. Book an appointment today and let our clinicians handle the rest.
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